Buyer’s Guide

Ready to dive into the world of mechanical keyboards, but don’t know where to start? Here’s a guide I curated just for you!

Start With The Basics Here

Keyboard University - A great place to read up on the of mechanical keyboards. Mostly written material.
Quick Keyboard Tips by Chyrosran22 - Learn some of the ins and outs in under an hour. Video material.
How to Build a Mechanical Keyboard by JUJU - Learn how you can build and customise you own mechanical keyboard. Video material.

These are always great references and pointers as you learn.

Major Mechanical Keyboard Communities

Deskthority | Geekhack | KeebTalk | r/MechanicalKeyboards subreddit

Looking to Purchase Keyboard Parts & Accessories?

Check out the Vendor List by CosmicKira and ajoflo from KeebTalk.

Notable Mechanical Keyboard Content Creators

Content Creator Main Type of Content Additional Notes
Chyrosran22 Product reviews and typing demonstrations. A heavy focus on vintage keyboards. Awesome voice included.
Glarses "Comedy"
Juju Guides. Super simple to follow. Straight to the point. No nonsense.
Switch and Click Guides and product reviews. They also have a blog.
TaeKeyboards Custom builds and product reviews.
Taeha Types Custom builds.
ThereminGoat Guides and product reviews. Writes extremely detailed articles! Far more than I could ever do.